Monday, March 15, 2010

Sliding fun

While Jay is ruffing it in Hawaii, Tanner and mommy decided to head to Fresno for the week and enjoy some 70 degree weather. We have always known that Tanner is not the dare devil kid and is extremely cautious. Well for the past few months I have been trying to teach Tanner to go up the slide stairs and then sit and go down the slide. This trip was no exception. I put her on the stairs and she starts screaming as I make her climb up. I did it twice with her and then she was all done. You would have thought I was making her do something miserable like eat two more bites. Not more then 20 minutes later I watch and she climbed up the and slide down all by herself and said "weeeeee". See mommy does know how to do fun things, if only she would trust me. Finally she can do it on her own. She went down 5 times in a row and then I said go down on your tummy and I showed her once and that quickly became the new favorite way to slide.

I can't believe how quickly she is growing up. She is talking up a storm and growing, growing, growing. SHe can now reach and get things off the table and counters. Today she would hear an airplane and run outside and say "aplane".


  1. I love her little wiggle run back around the slide! So fun when they learn new things!
