Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let the Christmas festivities begin.

 We had the Johnson family christmas last weekend while Jay's sister Jenny was still in town from Romania.  Grammie and Grandpa are always trying to get a picture with the grandkids.  Someday we will get all of them looking at the camera.
 Jenny (or Tusi as the cousins call her which is Aunt in Romania) also tries to get a picture.  Jett is at the stage where flashes are attracting so he is the only one that looks.  Micah is a great smiler there were just too many cameras to focus on.
 This year Jenny made Micah and Tanner an ABC book with pictures and she read it to Tanner.  It is a great book.
 Tanner is at the age where if someone is in the kitchen she wants to be too and helping so mommy got brave and decided to try frosting sugar cookies with her.  I must say she did a great job and each one was decorated with extra love and she licked the knife between each dip into the frosting but she did get the idea of spreading.
 This will be our VERY FIRST WHITE CHRISTMAS, as we are staying at Hume for the first time.  It had rained for 60 hours and then finally turned to snow.  It was a welcomed sight as Hume probably couldn't take much more rain.  The Lake was completely drained and then filled up and flowed over.  Here is daddy and Tanner enjoying the white stuff.
 Can you see how much we have.  It went up to Tanner's knees and thankfully she didn't mind walking in it.  We haven't been out much so we need to get her use to walking in snow.
 Tanner saw that I had a gingerbread house kit and after we were at our friends house and she saw them making it she knew exactly what it was and really wanted to make it.  After two days of begging I fiinally gave in.  Of course mommy did most of the work and Tanner did the eatting but she did put a few candies on.
Here is the finished product.  Not to bad if I do say so myself and finally Tanner is smiling.  She always says smile doesn't do it.  We are trying to work on it.  Stay turned for more family festivities as Jen's family is coming up today til Christmas eve and then Jay's family comes up after that.  I am sure there will be plenty more picture moments.


  1. What a great post! So many fun pictures and memories!!! Have a wonderful Christmas with all your extended family, dear friend.

  2. Tanner, I love your gingerbread house!!! And I love you!
