Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moving onto the next stage of life

Tonight we set up Tanner's new bed. Her "big girl" bed as we called it. We let be apart of the whole process, taking down the crib, setting up the new bed and of course jumping on the new bed to see how springy it is. The bed was actually my sister's growing up and we were very thankful to not have to purchase a new one. It will go great in her own room some day.
CHEESE. Now it is time to set up the guard rail.
She loved her "new sheets and pilllows". Eventually we will paint her room and get stuff to match this new bedding but you have to start somewhere right?
Trying out sleeping with her blankets and stuffed animals. She seems to like it. Guess we will see when it comes time for bed. We will be starting the routine early to get her use to it and allow for extra time to fall asleep as I know she will be really excited. I don't anticipate her climbing out because she is not much of a climber.
Now daddy and mommy can sleep with Tanner. She likes that. As I write this it is 9:30 at night and she is still awake. We put her down to sleep at 8:30. Of the joys of new adventures and new stages.


  1. That's awesome, Jen! What a big girl!! Looks like she is so proud and excited to be so big. Good job doing the transition before Jett comes! Cute bedding too!

  2. such cute bedding jen! wow tanner is such a big girl now:) love you guys!!!

  3. so cute jen, thanks for the play by to get the gaps filled in when we don't see each other all the time. loved seeing you and SO glad Tanner is better
