Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mommy Here

Well I thought I would write a little update how I am doing as Jay is running off to get dinner and Jett is sleeping "like a baby" especially since he just had his circumcision.  Yesterday was a really emotional and had day.  When I had my last c-section, I had labored so long that I didn't really take much notice about the c-section because I was so out of it.  This time around, I noticed EVERYTHING and felt so much more.  I had great nurses and doctors who were there though my anxiousness of spinals and IV's but when it came time for operation I wasn't prepared for how much I would feel all the tugging and pushing on  your tummy.  I was sooooo uncomfortable and couldn't wait for it to be done.  And it took a little longer because  of some extra work my doctor had to do.  YIKES!!  But made it through singing and praying to God most of the time.  The really cool thing this time is that Jett and Jay got to stay with me the entire time in the OR room and the recovery room.  Our really cool nurse even let us have people in the recovery room.

We didn't get a ton of sleep last night but does anyone in a hospital with all the checks of vitals, meds etc?  But today we have been loved on by family and friends and I feel much better.  Walking around is getting easier by the lap and Jett is starting to get the hang of feeding I think.  We are hoping for a release tomorrow but who knows.   I thought it might be hard on Tanner seeing me in the hospital and it was, so that was hard on me to see.  I guess it wasn't the brightest idea to have her see me right after the surgery in recovery so if I could do it over I would have waited til today when I am showered, dressed normal and have no tubed hooked to me.  Oh well hindsight 20/20 right?  Now she is off to Grammie and Grandpa's for a weekend of fun while Jay, Jett and I continue our getting to know stage.  Jett is a good baby with little fussing and already loves the "paci" but so did Tanner so that is no big surprise.  What is a big surprise is how black and thick his hair is and how hairy his arms and back are.   Thank you all for your prayers yesterday and today and they are truly what has gotten us by.  We love you all.


  1. You are in the hospital, yet your blog is updated with a new post AND slideshows? I'm in awe. Congratulations!

  2. Thank you for sharing sis. Now I'll know how to continue praying and so fun to be along for the journey :)B
