Thursday, April 7, 2011

A little bit of randomness

 Last week we had Tanner's friend Aubrie over, and we thought it would be fun to have the girls take a bath together.  They both loved it and I love seeing their friendship blossom.
 Looking back through pictures, we realized that Jett and Daddy don't have many pictures together.  Jett is growing up so fast that we needed to capture the moment and also take full advantage of the smiling stage.
 I love to take pictures of my sleeping boy.  My heart just warms when I see this face.  He is so precious and very photogenic when he is sleeping.  I see this picture and I think "I love him so much"
 Pure sweetness.
 Seven months and how the time is going by quickly.  Jett is sitting up great.  Learning to eat babyfood.  Sleeping through the night and if you look closely has two teeth.  We still have a watery eye from a clogged tear duck but hoping that someday he grows out of it.  I also wonder if he will keep his blue eyes.

I can never get Tanner to take pictures with Jett so here is another attempt.  Here is to hoping she grows back into the smiling stage.

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